
Scope:  Safeguarding vs Pastoral care

Safeguarding and Pastoral care are interconnected terms and it is therefore important for all members of Homerton College to understand these concepts and why it is important.

Safeguarding can take different forms according to its context. It is useful to consider safeguarding with a ‘small s’ and a ‘capital S’. Safeguarding with a ‘capital S’ is safeguarding that meets the requirements of Section 42 of the Care Act 2014 or Section 47 of the Children’s Act 1989 (2004) and would trigger a formal safeguarding enquiry coordinated by the local authority. Safeguarding with a ‘small s’ is the kind that aims to protect those at risk of harm and ensure their wellbeing. It is no less important, acts as an early intervention to avoid escalation and is likely to be the most common form of safeguarding activity the College encounters. Many people with physical and/or mental health problems who may have care and support needs can be vulnerable and although they may not be experiencing abuse or neglect as defined under legislation, they nonetheless need a coordinated Pastoral care approach.

Safeguarding focuses on preventing harm and protecting vulnerable individuals from abuse, while pastoral care centres around providing holistic support and nurturing to foster the overall wellbeing and development of individuals within a community or institution and includes the provision the College makes to ensure the physical and emotional welfare of students and employees. Both safeguarding and pastoral care are essential aspects of creating a safe and supportive environment for all members involved.

While the two concepts differ in their primary objectives, they are closely related in practice. Pastoral care plays a significant role in identifying and addressing the well-being of individuals, and it can be instrumental in recognising and responding to safeguarding concerns. Effective pastoral care systems can serve as a crucial component of an organisation's overall safeguarding efforts.


Named Contacts

Designated Safeguarding Lead: The Senior Tutor - Georgie Horrell

Safeguarding Co-Ordinator: College Wellbeing Lead - Grace Hernandez


NB: the Safeguarding Committee convenes monthly


Reporting a Complaint or Giving Feedback

Reporting a Complaint or Giving Feedback

Relevant Policy and Processes

Children and Adults at Risk Safeguarding Policy
Mutual Respect Policy
Reporting Triage
Safeguarding Investigation Guidance
Staff Grievance Flowchart
Student Complaints Flowchart & Process

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