Charter Choir on Tour

By Lester Holloway 1min read

THE HOMERTON Charter Choir is looking forward to their tour of Catalonia in a fortnight, where they will perform three concerts.

The tour begins at the Church of Santa Maria de Valldeflors, Tremp, on Saturday 13 July, followed by the Church of Sant Sebastià, Sant Feliu de Pallerols the next day, and ending with a ‘Peace and Conflict’ performance at the Institució Milà i Fontanals de Recerca en Humanitats in Barcelona on the Monday.

Director of Music, Dr Daniel Trocmé-Latter, said: "We’re incredibly excited to be performing for the first time as part of the Festival de Música Antiga dels Pirineus (Early Music Festival of the Pyrenees), in these stunning venues in Tremp and Sant Feliu de Pallerols. 

"The choir has been sounding amazing all year, so we’re hoping for a warm reception here too. Our final day in Barcelona explores the notions of peace and conflict in music, ranging from Renaissance works such as Lasso’s Libera me, Domine (a text from the Office of the Dead; this setting also, coincidentally, includes Homerton’s own motto, ‘Respice finem’), to a meditation on Psalm 23 by the Black American composer Bobby McFerrin.

"The programme also includes some works by lesser-known composers, which have been recorded by the Charter Choir, and there will be a completely new piece by our Music finalist and choral scholar, Coby O’Brien, performed in Catalan."

Charter Choir